THE BED IS MADE, THE ROOM IS HOTEL-READY, what could you have forgotten that will make your guests’ stay one to remember? Here, to help with your season planning, is our list of “I should have thought of that” items compiled following years of experience and tips from our clients……
- Somewhere to store luggage
- Somewhere to hang clothes
- A digital zone, complete with rechargers
- An ‘oops I forgot’ basket containing sample sizes where possible and/or appropriate of toothpaste, toothbrush, cotton pads, hairdryer, pen, notepad…
- Extra blankets and a fan to help deal with our unpredictable climate
- Magazines and books
- Scented candle or diffuser: this is a contentious one, proceed with caution
- Robes
- Waste bin
- Water bottle and glasses
Good luck and hope all goes well.