Plants are one of our favourite things to add into our finished interiors and don’t need to be replaced anywhere near as often as flowers. We like the architectural look that green plants give to a contemporary interior. Today we share 4 of our top choices when styling a home.
This one is a classic. It looks good everywhere whether its in a large bunch or a few delicate sprigs. Eucalyptus can come dried or fresh, both work well and give slightly different looks.
Silver Dollar Plant:
A dainty plant that is great for putting on a shelf and letting drape down. This one requires a few trims but nothing too strenuous.
Rubber Tree:
Definite Instagram material. The leaves of the rubber tree look painted and come out in tones of pink in some places. Perfect for an empty corner or by an open door.
Fiddle Leaf Tree:
Now, these can grow huge so great for a porch as well. If you keep it inside it just needs to be cut down every so often to avoid getting too big.